Smiling woman farmer harvests bitter gourd above her head.

Our Work in India

At a Glance

  • Over 96,000 farmers trained since 2016. Established as a Section 8 organization in 2021 and now eligible for CSR funding.
  • We currently train smallholder farmers on sustainable vegetable production techniques in the states of Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Odisha.
  • We provide intensive, hands-on training in the field, coupled with digital training to reach even more farmers.
  • See our project history.
Male and female farmers at an in-field training.

Current Projects

Woman and man stand in their tomato field.

Good Farming, Good Food

Increasing the availability, affordability, and consumption of safe-to-eat, nutritious vegetables

Project Partners: SDGP & Solidaridad

Man chopping green manure plants into small pieces for incorporation into the soil.

Green Manures in India & Uganda

Researching the benefits of different green manures and their suitability for use in India and Uganda

Project Partner: Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

News & Stories

Pumpkin farmers in Karanjia, India, carry pumpkins in front of a pumpkin-filled trailer.

Odisha, India: A New Hub for Pumpkin Farming

Farmer Raibari Behera holds a pumpkin in her pumpkin field.

Improved Pumpkin Farming for Better Livelihoods

EWS-KT staff member in India chops green manure plants into small pieces.

Restoring Soil Health with Green Manure

Farmers and visitors at the crop showcase event, in front of a sign that reads Centre of Excellence for Training Women in Vegetable Farming.

FLO Hyderabad Partnership Grows More Than Vegetables

Man inspecting rows of high-growing tomato plants.

Action Research Update: Bacterial Wilt

Farmer Meghnath Bordoloi holds a basket of hot peppers in his field.

New Project Begins in Assam, India

EWS-KT India staff transplanting seedlings into prepared rows for action research at the Center of Excellence in Odisha, India.

EWS-KT and Koppert Launch Joint Action Research

Farmer Sanjay Patidar holds a large container of bitter gourd fruit in one hand and another container on his head.

Sharing the Secrets of Successful Vegetable Farming in Madhya Pradesh

Key farmer Devkinandan, Phanda stands in the middle of his field.

Income Diversification Through Vegetable Farming in Madhya Pradesh

Farmer Jayanti Tarei holds a head of cauliflower in her field

Becoming a Role Model in India

Dignitaries at the Mega Field Day

India Center of Excellence Welcomes Farmers to Mega Field Day

Komal Yadav inspects a leaf for pests and diseases.

Rural Extension Worker in India Increases Access to Training

Women admire a kitchen garden in India.

Kitchen Gardens for an Endless Supply of Vegetables at Home

Dinesh Chandra and his wife hold their first harvest of hot pepper.

Responding to Price Fluctuations in India

Good Farming, Good Food project launch.

Good Farming, Good Food: Improving Agriculture and Addressing Malnutrition Go Hand in Hand

The India Team in Action

Indian Women Farmers being trained on proper use of fertilizer application

Training farmers on fertilizer application

Farmer being trained on how to setup trellis structure

Demonstrating how to set up trellising

Indian farmers trained on seedling production through hands-on demonstration.

Practicing effective seedling production techniques

talking with key farmer 4x3

Talking with a key farmer in her field

welcoming visitors to the CoE

Explaining techniques to visitors at the Center of Excellence learning farm

checking for pests & diseases

Showing a farmer how to check for pests and diseases

farmers training on staking and organic Mulching in village bagana Dewas Madhya Pradesh

Holding a practical training on tomato staking

Cucumber field day-Latury-Madhya Pradesh (6)--cropped

Explaining how to grow seedlings at a Field Day event

Field Nalbari _Assam 2024-04-11 c

Engaging young farmers in business planning

Reports & Resources


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