Women in Nigeria hold cabbages in a cabbage field.

Investing in Women and Youth to Accelerate the Pace of Change

Delivering Social Impact and Value Chain Efficiency

Targeted investment to women farmers can boost farm production in developing countries by 2.5% to 4% and feed 100 million to 150 million more people globally. Training women and young farmers paves the way to a nutritionally secure, economically viable, and environmentally sustainable future for all.


Increasing Women and Youth Participation

Cultural and structural barriers can often sideline women and youth, limiting their economic and social mobility. We have set ambitious targets to increase youth and women participation across global programs, with 50% of key farmers being women and 40% being youth by 2025. We continually track and invest in action research to ensure practical, cost-efficient solutions that reach women and youth where they live and work, even in underdeveloped and remote areas.

Shared value partnerships advance a gender inclusive approach

Women Farmers Study (Ongoing)

In 2022, we initiated a study to better understand the needs of women in vegetable production.

The first year of the study explored the daily activities, opportunities, and crop protection involvement of almost 300 women farmers in India, the Philippines, Tanzania, and Uganda. In 2023, we learned more about women farmers in Myanmar, and in 2024, we are expanding the study to Nigeria.

woman farmer with bitter gourd in India

Connecting Through Technology

We advance knowledge in vegetable production and planning through a unique combination of on-farm and digital, mobile, and radio platforms. Online videos and active social media channels help to engage youth, while radio shows and podcasts, especially when hosted by women, increase rural women’s participation. Through these and other tools, women and youth entrepreneurs are rediscovering farming and other roles along the value chain to be attractive and viable livelihoods.


Elevating Resilient and Innovative Leadership in Local Communities

Women and youth farmers are innovative in advancing opportunities for their nutritional security and livelihood development. Click below to read the inspiring stories of women and youth entrepreneurs engaged in global EWS-KT programs.


Advancing Inclusive Projects Through Shared-Value Partnerships

Our diverse partnerships with social impact-oriented philanthropic organizations, research universities, government agencies, private companies, microfinance institutions, NGOs, and regional networks enhance the skills and technical capabilities of farmers. This helps create conditions for thriving vegetable sectors. We collaborate with local institutions and international organizations with gender-sensitive approaches to enhance our best practices.

Effective knowledge sharing begins with addressing barriers to women’s participation. EWS-KT strives to increase participation to 40% of KT projects globally