
Good Farming, Good Food

Project Summary

Good Farming, Good Food: Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security and Transforming Smallholders’ Livelihood in Madhya Pradesh, India

India | 2019–2025

Context and Project Objective

In the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, large portions of the rural population experience poverty and malnutrition. Poverty and economic marginalization in Madhya Pradesh are major determinants of malnutrition and poor sanitary conditions across the state.

The Good Farming, Good Food project is designed to improve the availability and affordability of safe and nutritious foods—namely, soy and vegetables—and increase the acceptability and consumption of these foods through awareness raising. Soy was chosen as a focus crop for its unparalleled protein values, and nutrient-rich vegetables were selected for their micronutrient contributions.

Expected Outcomes 

  • 50,000 people (at least 10,000 women and 20,000 children age 0–14 years) with improved access to healthy and/or more diverse food and with increased food intake
  • 35,000 farmers trained and supported, resulting in increased productivity and income 
  • 200 micro-entrepreneurs enabled and supported

EWS-KT Partners

Funding partners: SDG Partnership Facility, a grant program of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs managed by Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)

Implementing partners: Solidaridad Netherlands (lead partner); Vippy Industries; Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission; Solidaridad Network Asia Limited; Samarth Kisan Producer Company Limited 

Project Period

1 July 2019 – 31 July 2024, extended to 31 July 2025


India: Madhya Pradesh

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