Enhancing Smallholder Farmers’ Income and Livelihoods in Papua
Building the capacity of Indigenous and transmigrant farmers to improve income and nutrition
Project Partners: De Eik Foundation & EWS-KT
Knowledge transfer activities in Indonesia are implemented and managed by Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS), an independently funded and governed foundation affiliated with East-West Seed Indonesia. East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation works closely with YBTS, especially on the production of extension materials, extension methodologies, and data management.
Building the capacity of Indigenous and transmigrant farmers to improve income and nutrition
Project Partners: De Eik Foundation & EWS-KT
Prioritizing sustainable income generation for young people through vegetable farming, along with life skills training
Project Partner: Ganesha Foundation
Engaging Papuan youth in agriculture to expand
their economic opportunities
Project Partner: Kopernik
Increasing vegetable self-sufficiency on Matak Island through home gardening and farm businesses
Project Partner: MedcoEnergi