EWS-KT and CABI Join Hands to Improve Information Accessibility in Agriculture

East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation (EWS-KT) and CABI are pleased to announce a new 5-year collaboration to provide education and training opportunities for smallholder farmers, farmer trainers and extension workers, and other agriculture sector professionals.
This partnership will enable widespread utilization of scientific knowledge for improving crop quality and yield and will ensure that knowledge developed is easily accessible to a broad audience around the world.
EWS-KT and CABI agree to co-create training materials and assessments and to collaborate in knowledge sharing in order to:
- develop sustainable economies through vegetable production
- support climate-resilient agriculture and ecosystems and ensure an inclusive approach by providing opportunities for marginalized communities, women, and young people
- increase access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food
- improve public health through better nutrition
CABI brings expertise in the design and delivery of online agricultural courses and assessments, with a robust online course and assessment delivery platform—CABI Academy—and associated support services. CABI also has experience in the academic library marketplace and in global training initiatives.
EWS-KT brings subject matter expertise in sustainable vegetable production, with local knowledge transfer teams and on-field and digital training opportunities in Africa and Asia. In addition, EWS-KT has a library of extension materials—co-developed with Wageningen University & Research—that is available in multiple languages and includes online certification programs in vegetable production and agribusiness.
This partnership will promote EWS-KT and CABI’s shared objective of helping as many people as possible to use scientific information to grow crops of higher quality and quantity, and to do so with methodologies that are financially, socially, and environmentally sustainable and that enhance human and ecosystem health.
About CABI
CABI is an international, inter-governmental, not-for-profit organization that improves people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment. CABI’s approach involves putting information, skills, and tools into people’s hands. CABI’s 49 member countries guide and influence its work, which is delivered by scientific staff based in its global network of centers.
About East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation (EWS-KT)
EWS-KT is a nonprofit corporate foundation that improves the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in less developed areas of Africa and Asia. EWS-KT trains farmers in sustainable and profitable horticultural techniques and enhances their business skills. In this way, EWS-KT aims to increase the supply of safe-to-eat vegetables in markets serving lower-income consumers, while simultaneously catalyzing the development of innovative agricultural-input markets. Since 2015, EWS-KT has trained more than 631,000 farmers in Asia and Africa.