Nadya Nariswari Nayadheyu

Nadya Nariswari Nayadheyu fulfills the role of Digital Media and Communications Officer at Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera* in Indonesia. Her responsibilities encompass overseeing digital media outreach to provide support for and engage with farmers. Simultaneously, she takes the lead in creating offline publications to enhance knowledge transfer activities, ensuring a comprehensive approach to serving the farmer community.
Nadya earned a master’s degree in communication sciences from the University of Indonesia. Her expertise, cultivated through her experiences in journalism and various nongovernmental organizations, provides her with invaluable insights for meeting the knowledge transfer needs of smallholder farmers, bridging the gap between digital and traditional communication mediums.
*Knowledge transfer activities in Indonesia are implemented and managed by Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera, an independently funded and governed foundation affiliated with East-West Seed Indonesia. East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation works closely with Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera, especially on the production of extension materials, extension methodologies, and data management.