Project Summary
Effective Agri Techniques for Vegetables (EAT VEG)
Myanmar | 2022
Context and Project Objective
Agriculture is the source of livelihood for nearly 70% of the population in Myanmar. However, the current situation in the country has created uncertainties and disruptions impacting the agricultural sector. It is now more important than ever to develop self-sufficient and sustainable food systems to enhance food security for the country’s people.
The EAT VEG campaign’s objective is to improve farmers’ overall agricultural practices, as well as raise producers’ and consumers’ awareness of the nutritional value of vegetable and field crops. The project will focus on vegetable as well as potato growers. Due to uncertain markets and the unpredictable cost of farm inputs, EAT VEG will include an element supporting market-oriented production with smallholder farmers struggling with low yields and poor product quality. The project will also support backyard production, enabling people in rural areas to produce food for their families in uncertain times.
The EAT VEG campaign plans to achieve its objectives through field-based training approaches blended with digital solutions. Field-based activities will include training of trainers, training of farmers, and the establishment of demo fields and learning fields. In addition, technical videos will be produced that will not only be used in agro-input shops but also be placed on social media and the project website to increase outreach. Although the campaign will only last one year, it will generate a wealth of digital material that can be used for years to come.
To educate and engage farmers and other stakeholders through digital media, the project will explore the best digital media platforms for amplifying the quality and quantity of knowledge and information shared, as well as using existing information channels. The project will also help less tech-savvy farmers and traders to better navigate their mobile phones, thereby creating an environment in which digital solutions can more easily take root in the future.
For this project, EWS-KT is focusing on vegetable production and partner Fresh Studio is focusing on potato production.
Expected Outcomes
- Strengthen the capacity of 33,810 smallholder vegetable growers (13,810 through direct field-based activities and 20,000 through digital approaches) [EWS-KT outcome]
- Strengthen the capacity of 3,000 potato growers (1,000 through direct field-based activities and 2,000 through digital approaches) [Fresh Studio outcome]
EWS-KT Partners
Implementing partners: Wageningen Research Foundation; Wageningen Plant Research; Fresh Studio
Project Period
1 January 2022 – 31 December 2022
Myanmar: Kayin (Hpa-An), Magway, Naypyitaw [EWS-KT] and Shan [Fresh Studio]