Business Success for 19-Year-Old Zainatu

KANO STATE, NIGERIA – Zainatu Inusa, a 19-year-old mother of one, has long wanted her own business. She was previously active in petty trading but was unable to sustain it because of a lack of capital to invest in her business. Today, her new business—her vegetable farm—is growing right behind her house.
Zainatu came into contact with East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation (EWS-KT) through her husband, who was an EWS-KT key farmer. During his time as a key farmer, Zainatu attended the EWS-KT training events, which opened her eyes to how she could successfully grow her own vegetables and earn a steady income, which would enable her to fulfil her business ambitions. Zainatu adopted all the EWS-KT techniques for growing her Padma F1 tomatoes, which she planted on a 1,000-square-metre plot of farmland.
Recognizing the increased income he received from his 250-square-meter demonstration plot, Zainatu’s husband has been extremely supportive of her efforts and gave her farmland behind the house to start her own vegetable farm. He is also of great assistance to her because he has experience with EWS-KT techniques and practices. He helps to monitor her farm and reports any signs of insects or pest infestation.
“Now I have no worries. I wake up and just stroll to my backyard to check my vegetables. That alone gives me so much joy.”
According to Zainatu, this is a life-changing opportunity, as this farm fulfils her desire to start up a small business. “My plea is for my fellow women to take part in training so as to acquire this knowledge that is changing the lives of low-income earners like me,” she said. “Now I have no worries. I wake up and just stroll to my backyard to check my vegetables. That alone gives me so much joy.”
Zainatu is eager to continue farming. Her plan is to further expand her farm in the next production cycle, planting other East-West Seed varieties like cucumbers, watermelons, and cabbages. EWS-KT wishes her a productive harvest!
Transforming Nigeria’s Vegetable Markets contributes to more resilient and more efficient vegetable production by introducing new varieties, adapted technologies, and evidence-based knowledge and skills. Making vegetables more widely available on the market at affordable prices will lead to improved nutrition amongst local, low-income households in Kaduna and Kano states. This project is co-funded by SDG Partnership Facility, a grant program of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs managed by RVO. This project is led by EWS-KT in collaboration with our partners Wageningen University & Research, Solidaridad Network West Africa, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry Kaduna State, and Ahmadu Bello University.