An Enduring Impact in Nigeria

When we train smallholder farmers, we’re not teaching them for just that day, that growing season, or that year. Our goal is to sustainably transform their lives and enable them to take advantage of new opportunities.
Yusuf Dabai, an EWS-KT Technical Field Officer in Nigeria, recently witnessed the lasting results of his earlier work with farmers. We’d like to share his note:
Yesterday, I visited some of the communities where EWS-KT intervened in Bunkure LGA, Kano State, two years ago. I served as the Technical Field Officer there.
What I saw was really amazing. The advanced level and high number of adoption farms was quite impressive. There were also new aggregation centers within these communities where buyers regularly come to purchase the farmers’ vegetables.
One of the farmers said to me, “We will never forget you and your organization for improving our livelihoods. Before the intervention of EWS-KT to our communities, we didn’t have anything to sell and gain income from.”
As these farmers carefully pack their beautiful tomatoes for transport two years later, the enduring impact of East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation’s work is clear to see.