Lovian Andriani Sinambela
Lovian graduated from the major of Soil Science, Agrotechnology, University of Padjadjaran. She has experience of 3 years as a Technical Field Officer in Indonesia with the G4AW (Geodata for Agriculture and Water) project and carried out farmer data collection, farmer assistance and related agricultural sections for the use of the Sipindo Powered by SMARTseeds application.
For the last 1 year, Lovian was responsible for Technical Data and Information (Website and Digital Social Media) at the Bina Tani Sejahtera Foundation Indonesia.
Currently, Lovian works as Data and Technical Hub, with the responsible of handling and processing the Data Base of YBTS, and Content Management System data for each project to support Project Management, she is also creating the map for each project using spatial-based software (GIS).
Lovian also created Studio Data for YBTS to analyze the impact of YBTS’ monitoring and evaluation. She also received Data Science certification.